








Introduction of Kagurazaka

“Kagurazaka” is a neighborhood in Tokyo.
Kagurazaka is famous for its long slopping street, lined by numerous boutiques and restaurants. This street has always been busy due to the assess ability of its location. Originally there was the Edo Castle at the end of the main road of Kagurazaka.

Many old-established shops, such as Japanese sweets shops, tea shops, kimono shops, etc. are to be found in this neighborhood. There are many alleys called “yokocho”, narrow back streets, there you will find more shops and restaurants. It is interesting how tradition and new coexist.

Kagurazaka is also famous for “ryotei”, Japanese traditional restaurant, which provides expensive Japanese cuisine called “kaiseki” and invites geisha to entertain during dinner. It is often located in the winding back streets, very narrow and difficult to find. It’s just like a hideaway for adults and that is one of the fun parts of Kagurazaka. Ryotei Some ryotei do not have its name outside the entrance and that is maybe why people think some politicians meet at ryotei for secret meetings.

The changes of the seasons are noticeable in Japan. When spring arrives in end of March or beginning of April, cherry blossoms are everywhere; parks, temples, shrines, streets, etc. Many people gather with their friends and families for “hanami”, cherry blossom viewing. It is very popular to have lunch and drinks under the cherry trees during this season. Check out the cherry blossom forecast to see the trees in full blossom.

http://www.weathermap.co.jp/sakura/ (Japanese only)

Access by train

Tokyo Metro Tozai-line KAGURAZAKA station or JR Iidabashi Station.

Other information


Kagurazaka Ishikawa http://kagurazaka-ishikawa.co.jp/info/index_e.html
Kaiseki Kagurazaka SHIFUKU http://www.festoon.jp/shifuku/?page_id=573

●Restaurants & bar

Matoi Kagurazaka http://www.gnavi.co.jp/gn/en/g211500h.htm
Café-Creperie Le Bretagne http://www.le-bretagne.com/e/top.html

●Other sites

Chika http://www.timeout.jp/en/tokyo/venue/2121
 ( The proprietress of the wine bar, Chika, is a Kagurazaka Geisha herself. She is often there in her kimono and many regulars gather to just to chat. The menu focuses on wine and no food is served.)

Tansuya http://www.tansuya.jp/
(Recycled and vintage kimono super chain with about 100 locations around Tokyo. It is a great place to buy an affordable traditional yukata, kimono, various accessories, bags, and sandals. )

Liquor shop MATSUMOTO http://nanmasu.com/english/
Japanese Cooking & Culture School http://www.hifumi-an.com/eng/salon/index.html
Shinjuku City Tourism Association http://www.shinjukuku-kankou.jp/english/map_index.html#
Shinjuku City Official Website http://www.city.shinjuku.lg.jp/foreign/english/
Timeout JAPAN http://www.timeout.jp/en/tokyo/search/Kagurazaka?type=








